Welcome to Data Module’s documentation!

!!! This module is a work in progress and is not finished or well documented !!!


Indices and tables


class asmc::HapsMatrixType

A class that stores information in a #sites x #haps matrix of booleans.

Public Functions

unsigned long getNumIndividuals() const

the number of individuals, determined from the .sample[s] file

unsigned long getNumHaps() const

the number of haps: twice the number of individuals

unsigned long getNumSites() const

the number of sites, determined from the .map file

const std::vector<unsigned long> &getPhysicalPositions() const

a vector of physical positions, read in from the .map file

const std::vector<double> &getGeneticPositions() const

a vector of genetic positions, in centimorgans, read in from the .map file

const mat_uint8_t &getData() const

the matrix of raw uint8_t data

mat_float_t getDataAsFloat() const

the matrix of raw data, cast to float

rvec_uint8_t getSite(unsigned long siteId) const

Get all haplotype data for a single site. This is a row from the data matrix and will be a boolean row vector of length 2N where N is the number of individuals.


siteId – the id of the site


the ith row of the data matrix, where i is siteId.

cvec_uint8_t getHap(unsigned long hapId) const

Get all site data for a single haplotype. This is a column from the data matrix and will be a boolean column vector of length N where N is the number of sites.


hapId – the id of the haplotype


the jth row of the data matrix, where j is hapId.

mat_uint8_t getIndividual(unsigned long individualId) const

Get all site data for a single individual. This is two adjacent columns from the data matrix, returned as a matrix.


individualId – the id of the individual


the jth row of the data matrix, where j is hapId.

unsigned long getMinorAlleleCount(unsigned long siteId) const

Get the minor allele count for a given site. This is a number in [0, #haps/2].


siteId – the site ID


the minor allele count for the given site

unsigned long getDerivedAlleleCount(unsigned long siteId) const

Get the derived allele count for a given site. This is the raw count, assuming 1 means derived.


siteId – the site ID


the derived allele count for the given site

cvec_ul_t getMinorAlleleCounts() const

Get the raw minor allele counts for all sites. Each is a number in [0, #haps/2].


a vector of minor allele counts, one for each site

cvec_ul_t getDerivedAlleleCounts() const

Get the derived allele count for all sites. These are the raw counts, assuming 1 means derived.


a vector of derived allele counts, one for each site

double getMinorAlleleFrequency(unsigned long siteId) const

Get the minor allele frequency for a given site. This is a number in [0, 0.5].


siteId – the site ID


the minor allele frequency for the given site

double getDerivedAlleleFrequency(unsigned long siteId) const

Get the derived allele frequency for a given site. This is the raw frequency, assuming 1 means derived.


siteId – the site ID


the derived allele frequency for the given site

cvec_dbl_t getMinorAlleleFrequencies() const

Get the minor allele frequencies for all sites. These are numbers in [0, 0.5].


a vector of minor allele frequencies, one for each site

cvec_dbl_t getDerivedAlleleFrequencies() const

Get the derived allele frequencies for all sites. These are the raw frequencies, assuming 1 means derived.


a vector of minor allele frequencies, one for each site

double getFrequency(unsigned long siteId) const

Public Static Functions

static HapsMatrixType createFromHapsPlusSamples(std::string_view hapsFile, std::string_view samplesFile, std::string_view mapFile)

Create a HapsMatrixType from a .hap[s][.gz], a .sample[s] file, and a .map file.

  • hapsFile – path to the .hap[s][.gz] file

  • samplesFile – path to the .sample[s] file

  • mapFile – path to the .map file


instance of a HapsMatrixType